Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Profit and Loss


Akshay has 30 articles, each having the same cost price. He marked the price of each article at 30% above its cost price. He sold 15 of the articles at a discount of 20% each, and the remaining 15 articles at a discount of 10% each, thereby gaining a total profit of ₹630. What was the cost price of each article?






Correct Answer:



We have,

Total articles = 30

Marked up by = 30%

Profit = 630

According to the question,

Let the cost price of each article = 10x

So, total cost price = 300x

Now, Marked price of each article is 10x × 130% = 13x

According to the question,

15 × 13x × 80% + 15 × 13x × 90% = 300x + 630

= 156x + 175.5x = 300x + 630

= 331.5x = 300x + 630

= 31.5x = 630

= x = 20

So, the cost price of each article = Rs. 200