Practicing Success

Target Exam





Meeting Life Challenges


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

Stress is a silent killer. Therefore developing a healthy lifestyle becomes very important.

The mass media, when combined with other health promotion programs, can be an effective tool promoting behaviour change.

Understanding features of party environments may help us devise practical and effective techniques to decrease the amount of alcohol we consume in social situations and reduce the incidence of drunk driving.

Regular and vigorous exercise promotes both physical an psychological health. Starting and maintaining an exercise habit requires that people arrange their environment in a way that supports the desired exercise behaviour and weakens competing behaviours.

Primary prevention involves educating people about the relation between their behaviours and their health, promoting healthy behaviours and directly modifying poor health practices. Secondary prevention strategies emphasize early detection to decrease the severity of illness that is already present.

Physical exercises that are essential for good health are stretching exercises such as _______.


Yogic asanas




Correct Answer:

Yogic asanas


Physical exercises that are essential for good health are stretching exercises such as yogic asanas and aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. Whereas stretching exercises have a calming effect, aerobic exercises increase the arousal level of the body.