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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Transport and Communcation


The roads connecting the state capitals and major cities is known as


The Expressway

The National Highway

The Golden quadrilateral

East West and North-South corridor

Correct Answer:

The National Highway


The correct answer is Option (2) → The National Highway

The main roads which are constructed and maintained by the Central Government are known as the National Highways. These roads are meant for inter-state transport and movement of defence men and material in strategic areas. These also connect the state capitals, major cities, important ports, railway junctions, etc. The length of the National Highways has increased from 19,700 km in 1951 to 101011 km in 2016. The National Highways constitute only about 2 per cent of the total road length but carry 40 per cent of the road traffic. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was operationalised in 1995. It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Surface Transport. It is entrusted with the responsibility of development, maintenance and operation of National Highways. This is also the apex body to improve the quality of the roads designated as National Highways.