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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Money and Banking


Which of the following option denotes the rate at which commercial banks borrow from central bank for a short period of time against the approved securities?


Repo rate

Reverse repo rate

Bank rate 

Marginal standing facility rate

Correct Answer:

Repo rate


When commercial banks require funds for a small period of time, they borrow from reserve bank of India against approved security. The rate charged for the same is called as repo rate. When, commercial banks have surplus funds, they park it with RBI and the rate of return which they get is known as reverse repo rate. Bank rate is the lending rate at which commercial banks can borrow from the RBI without providing any security. Whereas, Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) is a provision made by the Reserve Bank of India through which scheduled commercial banks can obtain liquidity overnight, if inter-bank liquidity completely dries up.