Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Arbitration, Tribunal Adjudication and Alternate Dispute resolution


Which of the following is NOT correct about adversarial legal system?


The parties in a legal proceeding develop their own theory of the case and gather evidence to support their claims.

The parties are assisted by their lawyers who take a pro-active role in delivering justice to the litigants.

The judge decides the claims based solely on the evidences and arguments presented by the parties and their lawyers.

This system is followed in Continental Europe.

Correct Answer:

This system is followed in Continental Europe.


In an adversarial system, the parties in a legal proceeding develop their own theory of the case and gather evidence to support their claims. The parties are assisted by their lawyers who take a pro-active role in delivering justice to the litigants. The lawyers gather evidence and even participate in cross-examination and scrutiny of evidence presented by the other disputing party. The role of the judge/decision maker is rather passive as the judge decides the claims based solely on the evidences and arguments presented by the parties and their lawyers.
The adversarial system is generally adopted in common law countries. Major common law jurisdictions include the UK, U.S, Australia and India. On the other hand, continental Europe which follows the civil law system (i.e. those deriving from Roman law or the Napoleonic Code) has adopted the inquisitorial system.