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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


What is the term for the population interaction in which a free-living organism catches, kills, and devours individuals of other species as prey?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - Predation

Predation occurs when one organism, known as the predator, captures, kills, and consumes individuals of another species, known as the prey. This interaction is common in nature and plays a crucial role in regulating population sizes and maintaining ecological balance. Predators have adaptations that allow them to effectively capture and consume their prey, such as sharp teeth, claws, or specialized hunting strategies. Prey species, on the other hand, have their own adaptations to avoid being caught, such as camouflage, speed, or defensive mechanisms. Predation is an important ecological process that influences the dynamics of both predator and prey populations.

Parasitism is a type of interaction in which one organism, the parasite, lives on or in the body of another organism, the host, and benefits from the relationship, while the host is harmed.

Mutualism interaction confers benefits on both the interacting species. Lichens represent an intimate mutualistic relationship between a fungus and photosynthesizing algae or cyanobacteria.

Commensalism is a type of interaction in which one organism, the commensal, benefits from the relationship with another organism, the host, while the host is neither harmed nor benefited.

Therefore, the term for the population interaction in which a free-living organism catches, kills, and devours individuals of other species as prey is predation.