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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


By the early nineteen seventies, the first generation Dalit graduates, especially those living in city slums began to assert themselves from various platforms. Dalit Panthers, a militant organisation of the Dalit youth, was formed in Maharashtra in 1972 as a part of these assertions. In the post-Independence period, Dalit groups were mainly fighting against the perpetual caste-based inequalities and material injustices that the Dalits faced in spite of constitutional guarantees of equality and justice. Effective implementation of reservations and other such policies of social justice was one of their prominent demands.

During the 1970's which of the following parties was supported by the Dalits?


The Communist Party Of India

The Republican Party of India

Janata Party

Bhartiya Janata Party

Correct Answer:

The Republican Party of India


On the other hand, political parties supported by the Dalits, like the Republican Party of India, were not successful in electoral politics. These parties always remained marginal; had to ally with some other party in order to win elections and faced constant splits. Therefore the Dalit Panthers resorted to mass action for the assertion of Dalits’ rights.