Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning



Given an input, a machine generates pass codes for the six batches each day as follows:
Input : These icons were taken out from the sea
Pass Codes
Batch I : from sea the out taken were icons these
Batch II : from icons these were taken out the sea
Batch III : from icons out sea the taken were these
Batch IV : from icons out sea these were taken the and so on.
Answer the following Question. What will be the pass code for the Batch V on a day, if the input is "four of the following five from a group"?
a five following from four group the of
a five following from group the of four
a five following four from the group
a five following from four group of the
Correct Answer:
a five following from four group the of
In the first step, the word which comes first in the dictionary is placed at the first position and the remaining words are written in the reverse order. In the second step the word which comes second in the dictionary is placed at the second position and all other words except first and second are written in the reverse order. The process goes on to give the pass code.