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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


Which of the following statement is true about the Berlin Wall?

Statement 01: The Berlin Wall symbolised the division between the capitalist and the communist world.

Statement 02: The Berlin Wall was broken by the people on 9 November 1989.


Only Statement 01 is true

Only Statement 02 is true

Both the Statements are true

Both the Statements are false

Correct Answer:

Both the Statements are true


The Berlin Wall stood for 28 years before its fall in 1989. The Berlin Wall did not mark the beginning of the Cold War; it was built during the Cold War as a physical division between East and West Berlin. The Berlin Wall symbolised the division between the capitalist and the communist world. Built in 1961 to separate East Berlin from West Berlin, this more than 150-kilometre-long wall stood for 28 years and was finally broken by the people on 9 November 1989. This marked the unification of the two parts of Germany and the beginning of the end of the communist bloc.