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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


What kind of war did the Mizo National Front (MNF) engage in during their battle for independence?


Economic war

Civil war

Guerrilla war

Nuclear war

Correct Answer:

Guerrilla war


The Mizo National Front (MNF)fought a guerrilla war during their two-decade-long battle for independence.

After Independence, the Mizo Hills area was made an autonomous district within Assam. Some Mizos believed that they were never a part of British India and therefore did not belong to the Indian union. But the movement for secession gained popular support after the Assam government failed to respond adequately to the great famine of 1959 in Mizo hills. The Mizos’ anger led to the formation of the Mizo National Front (MNF) under the leadership of Laldenga. In 1966 the MNF started an armed campaign for independence. Thus, started a two-decade-long battle between Mizo insurgents and the Indian army. The MNF fought a guerilla war, got support from the Pakistani government and secured shelter in the then East Pakistan. The Indian security forces countered it with a series of repressive measures of which the common people were the victims. At one point even the Air Force was used. These measures caused more anger and alienation among the people.