Practicing Success

Target Exam





Theory Base of Accounting


'Providing for the losses but not recognising the gains until realised '. Which concept is highlighted in the above statement?


Materiality Concept

Dual Aspect Concept

Conservatism Concept

Going Concern Concept

Correct Answer:

Conservatism Concept


The correct answer is option 3- Conservatism Concept.

The concept of conservatism (also called ‘prudence’) provides guidance for recording transactions in the book of accounts and is based on the policy of playing safe. The concept states that a conscious approach should be adopted in ascertaining income so that profits of the enterprise are not overstated. If the profits ascertained are more than the actual, it may lead to distribution of dividend out of capital, which is not fair as it will lead to reduction in the capital of the enterprise. The concept of conservatism requires that profits should not to be recorded until realised but all losses, even those which may have a remote possibility, are to be provided for in the books of account. To illustrate, valuing closing stock at cost or market value whichever is lower; creating provision for doubtful debts, discount on debtors; writing of intangible assets like goodwill, patents, etc. from the book of accounts are some of the examples of the application of the principle of conservatism. Thus, if market value of the goods purchased has fallen down, the stock will be shown at cost price in the books but if the market value has gone up, the gain is not to be recorded until the stock is sold. This approach of providing for the losses but not recognising the gains until realised is called conservatism approach. This may be reflecting a generally pessimist attitude adopted by the accountants but is an important way of dealing with uncertainty and protecting the interests of creditors against an unwanted distribution of firm’s assets. However, deliberate attempt to underestimate the value of assets should be discouraged as it will lead to hidden profits, called secret reserves.