Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.


My neighbour’s Mummy said to him, "Please wait here till I return."


My neighbour’s Mummy asked him to stay there.

My neighbour’s Mummy requested him to wait there till she returned.

My neighbour’s Mummy request him to wait until she comes.

My neighbour’s Mummy says he should wait there till her returned.

Correct Answer:

My neighbour’s Mummy requested him to wait there till she returned.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

My neighbour's Mummy requested him to wait there till she returned.

The other options are incorrect for the following reasons:

  • My neighbour’s Mummy asked him to stay there. The verb "stay" is not the same as the verb "wait".
  • My neighbour’s Mummy request him to wait until she comes. The reporting verb "request" is in the present tense, but the reported clause is in the future tense. Additionally, the phrase "until she comes" is not as clear as "till she returned".
  • My neighbour’s Mummy says he should wait there till her returned. The verb "says" is too informal for reporting an imperative sentence. The more appropriate verb is "requested".