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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Mass Media and Communication

Select a statement which can be attributed to a concern that emerged with the introduction of western channels like MTV in India.
The introduction of new channels like MTV will reduce the popularity of Indian channels like Doordarshan.
The introduction of new channels like MTV will have a westernizing impact on the youth and Indian cultural Identity.
The new channels will take out wealth from our country by transfrering profit earned from India.
The new channels Like MTV will popularize violence in society.
Correct Answer:
The introduction of new channels like MTV will have a westernizing impact on the youth and Indian cultural Identity.
The coming in of transnational television companies like Star TV, MTV, Channel [V], Sony and others, worried some people about the likely impact on Indian youth and on the Indian cultural identity. But most of the transnational television channels have through research realised that the use of the familiar is more effective in procuring the diverse groups that constitute the Indian audience.