Practicing Success

Target Exam





Meeting Life Challenges


Read the case carefully and answer the question that follow :

Rahul turned 14 last month. He had a big birthday party and invited all his friends. He likes his school and friends in the society.

Rahul's father works in a big office and has been asked to shift from Delhi to Bangalore. This news has disturbed Rahul and he is showing erratic behaviour and has alienated himself from his friends.

He has frequent mood swings and also gets anxious everytime his parents try to talk about their life in Bangalore.

This news has also led Rahul to skip meals along with disturbed sleep patterns and poor academic performance. His parents don't know how to handle the situation and have been advised by Rahul's class teacher to see the school counsellor.

Which of the following are sources of stress?

(A) Life Events
(B) Hassles
(C) Traumatic Events
(D) Quiet Evenings
(E) Social gatherings

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (B) and (C) Only

(A), (D) and (E) Only

(C), (D) and (E) Only

(A), (B) and (D) Only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B) and (C) Only


The correct answer is (A), (B) and (C) Only.

Rahul's father's job transfer is a life event that is causing him stress. Rahul is also experiencing hassles, such as frequent mood swings, anxiety, and sleep problems. Additionally, Rahul's alienation from his friends and poor academic performance suggest that he is experiencing a traumatic event.

Option (D), quiet evenings, is not a source of stress for Rahul. In fact, quiet evenings may be a helpful way for Rahul to relax and de-stress. Option (E), social gatherings, is also not a source of stress for Rahul. In fact, social gatherings may be a helpful way for Rahul to connect with his friends and build social suppor