Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality

What modifications occur in the biological self of a person in the context of the socio-cultural environment?
Changes in personal freedom and responsibility
Changes in personal achievements and comforts
Changes in psychological and social needs
Changes in the way hunger or needs are perceived
Correct Answer:
Changes in the way hunger or needs are perceived
There are several kinds of self. They get formed as a result of our interactions with our physical and socio-cultural environments. The first elements of self may be noticed when a newborn child cries for milk when it is hungry. Although, this cry is based on reflex, this later on leads to development of awareness that ‘I am hungry’. This biological self in the context of socio-cultural environment modifies itself. While you may feel hungry for a chocolate, an Eskimo may not. This suggests that the way biological needs, such as hunger, are perceived and interpreted can vary based on socio-cultural influences and contexts. Therefore, modifications occur in the way hunger or needs are perceived within the biological self.