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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Bengal School and Cultural Nationalism


 Identify the incorrect statement about Abanindranath Tagore's painting "Journey's End."


The painting was created in 1913.

Abanindranath Tagore is credited with inventing the wash painting technique.

The wash technique in the painting yields a clear and defined landscape.

The collapsed camel in the painting symbolizes the end of a journey.

Correct Answer:

The wash technique in the painting yields a clear and defined landscape.


The correct answer is Option 3- The wash technique in the painting yields a clear and defined landscape.
The correct statement is that the wash technique yields a soft, misty, and impressionistic landscape, not a clear and defined one.

Journey's End: Made by Abanindranath Tagore (1871–1951) in 1913, this painting is in watercolour. Abanindranath Tagore was seen as a father figure of nationalist and modernism of art in India. He revived certain aspects of Indian and oriental traditions of paintings in terms of themes, style and techniques, and invented the wash painting technique. The wash technique yields a soft, misty and impressionistic landscape. This quality of hazy and atmospheric effects of the wash are utilised to be suggestive or evocative of an end of a life. In this painting, a collapsed camel is shown in red background of dusk and in that sense it personifies the end of a journey through the end of a day. Abanindranath tried to capture the portrait and narration with the help of symbolic aesthetics on one hand and literary allusions on the other. The physical features of the camel rendered appropriately in fine lines and delicate tones, and its sensory texture leads us to the meaning of the painting. Abanindranath has also painted The Forest, Coming of Night, Mountain Traveller, Queen of the Forest and a series of 45 paintings based on The Arabian Nights