Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Which of the following best describes the concept of "self as subject"?


The self as an entity that is affected by external factors

The self as an observer that knows and understands itself

The self as a consequence of interactions with the environment

The self as an object that engages in actions and behaviors

Correct Answer:

The self as an observer that knows and understands itself


Some people described themselves either as an entity that does something (e.g., I am a dancer) or as an entity on which something is done (e.g., I am one who easily gets hurt). In the former case, the self is described as a ‘subject’ (who does something); in the latter case, the self is described as an ‘object’ (which gets affected). This means that self can be understood as a subject as well as an object. When you say, “I know who I am”, the self is being described as a ‘knower’ as well as something that can be ‘known’. As a subject (actor) the self actively engages in the process of knowing itself. As an object (consequence) the self gets observed and comes to be known. This dual status of self should always be kept in mind.