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General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following Sikh Gurus founded the Tarn Taran Sahib?


Guru Ram Das

Guru Arjan Dev

Guru Nanak Dev

Guru Gobind Sikh

Correct Answer:

Guru Arjan Dev


The correct answer is Option 4- Guru Arjan Dev

Guru Arjan Dev founded the Tarn Taran Sahib.
It is a major Sikh pilgrimage center located in the Majha region of the state of Punjab in northern India. Guru Arjan Dev established the city in 1590 and named it Tarn Taran, which means "the boat that takes one across (the ocean of existence)".

The city is home to the Gurdwara Sri Tarn Taran Sahib, which is one of the five Takhts of Sikhism. Takhts are the highest seats of Sikh authority. The Gurdwara Sri Tarn Taran Sahib is a beautiful and sacred place, and it is visited by millions of Sikhs from all over the world every year.

Guru Arjan Dev was the fifth Sikh Guru. He was a great scholar and poet, and he compiled the Adi Granth, the holy book of Sikhism. He was also a great leader and reformer, and he helped to spread Sikhism throughout India.