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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following Indian rulers was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni in his first attack in the year 1000 AD?


Chandra Pala

Anand Pala

Jaya Pala

Sukh Pala

Correct Answer:

Jaya Pala


The correct answer is Option 3- Jaya Pala

The Indian ruler who was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni in his first attack in the year 1000 AD was Jaya Pala.

Jaya Pala was the ruler of the Hindu Shahi dynasty, which controlled the region of northwestern India and Afghanistan. He was a powerful ruler, but he was unable to withstand the onslaught of Mahmud Ghazni's army.

Mahmud Ghazni was a Turkish ruler who had established a powerful empire in Central Asia. He was a skilled military leader and a ruthless conqueror. He invaded India several times, and he plundered many of its temples and cities.

In the Battle of Peshawar in 1001 AD, Mahmud Ghazni defeated Jaya Pala and captured him. Jaya Pala was later released, but he was so humiliated by his defeat that he committed suicide.

The defeat of Jaya Pala marked the beginning of a long period of Muslim rule in northwestern India. Mahmud Ghazni's invasions had a devastating impact on the region, and it took centuries for it to recover.