Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Choose the correct statements from the following options:

I. Upon a subsequent encounter with the same pathogen, the secondary immune response is highly intensified.

II. Vaccines stimulate the production of B and T-cells that can quickly recognize the pathogen during subsequent exposures, leading to robust production of antibodies that overwhelm the invaders.


Both statements I and II are correct

Statement I is correct, but II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect, but II is correct

Both statements I and II are incorrect


Correct Answer:

Both statements I and II are correct


The correct answer is Option (1) -Both statements I and II are correct.

I. Upon a subsequent encounter with the same pathogen, the secondary immune response is highly intensified. This means that the immune system mounts a stronger and more rapid response compared to the first exposure. The memory cells generated during the primary immune response are able to recognize the pathogen more efficiently, leading to a quicker and more effective immune response.

II. Vaccines stimulate the production of B and T-cells that can quickly recognize the pathogen during subsequent exposures, leading to a robust production of antibodies that overwhelm the invaders. Vaccines introduce harmless or weakened forms of the pathogen or specific components of the pathogen to the immune system. This exposure triggers the production of memory cells that can recognize the pathogen if encountered again. Upon subsequent exposure to the actual pathogen, the immune system is able to mount a rapid and strong response, preventing or minimizing the infection.

These statements highlight the importance of the secondary immune response and the role of vaccines in providing immunity to specific pathogens.