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Indian Society: Challenges of Cultural Diversity


Read the below passage and answer the questions:

Different kinds of social institutions, ranging from the family to the market, can bring people together, create strong collective identities and strengthen social cohesion. The very same institutions can also be sources of inequality and exclusions. In Indian context, the term 'diversity emphasizes differences rather than inequalities. When we say that India is a nation of great cultural diversity, we mean that there are many different types of social groups or communities living here. These are communities defined by cultural markets such as language, religion, sect, race or caste. When these diverse communities are also part of larger entity like a nation, then difficulties may be created by competition or conflict between them. Cultural diversity can present tough challenges. The difficulties arise from the fact that cultural identities are very powerful — they can arouse intense passions and are often able to mobilise large number of people. The challenges of cultural diversity can result in communal riots, demands for regional autonomy, caste wars. The major challenges that diversity poses in India —issues such as regionalism, communalism and casteism. The concept of 'community identity 'is closely associated with cultural diversity based on birth and 'belonging' rather than on some form of acquired qualifications or 'accomplishment'.

Which of the following are the challenges of Cultural diversity?


Collective identities and social cohesion

Familial unity and harmonious relationship

Communal riots and caste wars

Secularism and social equality

Correct Answer:

Communal riots and caste wars


Cultural diversity can present tough challenges. The difficulties arise from the fact that cultural identities are very powerful – they can arouse intense passions and are often able to moblise large numbers of people. Sometimes cultural differences are accompanied by economic and social inequalities, and this further complicates things. Measures to address the inequalities or injustices suffered by one community can provoke opposition from other communities. The situation is made worse when scarce resources – like river waters, jobs or government funds – have to be shared. If you read the newspapers regularly, or watch the news on television, you may often have had the depressing feeling that India has no future. There seem to be so many divisive forces hard at work tearing apart the unity and integrity of our country – communal riots, demands for regional autonomy, caste wars…