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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


The split in Congress occurred in which of the following sessions?


Karachi Session 1934

Lahore Session 1927

Kanpur Session 1922

Surat Session 1907

Correct Answer:

Surat Session 1907


The correct answer is Option 4- Surat Session 1907

The split in Congress occurred in the Surat Session 1907.

The Indian National Congress (INC) split into two factions at the Surat session in 1907 - the Moderates and the Extremists. The Moderates believed in the policy of gradual reform through constitutional means, while the Extremists believed in more radical methods, such as agitation and boycott.

The split was caused by a number of factors, including the issue of the partition of Bengal, the role of religion in politics, and the methods to be used to achieve independence.