Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the correct option to change the following sentence into Indirect Speech: -

"Please bring me a book", she said to me.


She requests me to bring my book.

She requested me to bring her a book.

She requested me to bring my book.

She said that bring her a book.

Correct Answer:

She requested me to bring her a book.


The correct option to change the given sentence into Indirect Speech is: She requested me to bring her a book.

In the original sentence, "Please bring me a book," the speaker is making a request. When changing this to indirect speech, we need to use a reporting verb like "requested" to indicate the change from a direct request to a reported request. Additionally, the pronouns need to be adjusted accordingly to reflect the change from the perspective of the original speaker (she) and the person being spoken to (me).

Option (2) correctly uses "requested" as the reporting verb, changes "Please bring me a book" to "bring her a book" to reflect the change in pronouns, and maintains the overall structure of an indirect request.