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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


Which of these statement are incorrect about the Chipko Movement :


It was as environmental movement to prevent cutting down of trees

It raised the questions of ecological and economic exploitation

It was a movement against alcoholism started by the women

It demanded that local communities should have control over their natural resources

Correct Answer:

It was a movement against alcoholism started by the women


The correct answer is Option (3) - It was a movement against alcoholism started by the women

'It was a movement against alcoholism started by the women' refers to the Anti-Arrack movement not the Chipko movement.

The Chipko movement began in two or three villages of Uttarakhand when the forest department refused permission to the villagers to fell ash trees for making agricultural tools. However, the forest department allotted the same patch of land to a sports manufacturer for commercial use.

Women’s active participation in the Chipko agitation was a very novel aspect of the movement. The forest contractors of the region usually doubled up as suppliers of alcohol to men. Women held sustained agitations against the habit of alcoholism and broadened the agenda of the movement to cover other social issues. The movement achieved a victory when the government issued a ban on felling of trees in the Himalayan regions for fifteen years, until the green cover was fully restored. But more than that, the Chipko movement, which started over a single issue, became a symbol of many such popular movements emerging in different parts of the country during the 1970s and later.