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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges of nation Building


Consider the following statements and identify the ruler or state.
1. He was the ruler of the largest princely state.
2. He entered into a Standstill Agreement with the government of India in 1947.


Ruler of Junagadh

Nizam of Hyderabad

King Hari Singh of Kashmir

Ruler of Manipur

Correct Answer:

Nizam of Hyderabad


Hyderabad, the largest of the Princely States was surrounded entirely by Indian territory. Its ruler carried the title, ‘Nizam’, and he was one of the world’s richest men. The Nizam wanted an independent status for Hyderabad. He entered into what was called the Standstill Agreement with India in November 1947 for a year while negotiations with the Indian government were going on.