Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


The Philosophy Of The Constitution


The political philosophy of our constitution is committed to which of the following principles?




Social Justice

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - All of the above

Option 1- Freedom
Option 2- Equality
Option 3- Social Justice
Option 4- All of the above

It is hard to describe the political philosophy of our constitution in one word. It resists any single label because it is liberal, democratic, egalitarian, secular, and federal, open to community values, sensitive to the needs of religious and linguistic minorities as well as historically disadvantaged groups, and committed to building a common national identity. In short, it is committed to freedom, equality, social justice, and some form of national unity. But underneath all this, there is a clear emphasis on peaceful and democratic measures for putting this philosophy into practice.