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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


Based on the painting shown below answer the questions asked:

Whose name is inscribed in the front of the equestrian portrait, creating ambiguity about the subject?


Tulchi Ram

Aniruddha Singh

Rao Chattarsal

Bharat Singh

Correct Answer:

Bharat Singh


Answer: Bharat Singh
The front of the equestrian portrait bears the name of Bharat Singh, leading to ambiguity about whether the painting represents Bharat Singh or Aniruddha Singh.

Aniruddha Singh (1682–1702) succeeded Bhao Singh. Few remarkable paintings with interesting documentary evidence have survived from his period. One of them being the much talked of equestrian portrait of Aniruddha Singh by artist Tulchi Ram painted in 1680. It epitomises an artist’s perception of speed and a horse in motion that he accomplished by completely negating the rendering of the foreground. The horse is seen galloping so high in the air that the ground is not visible. The value of such paintings is that they turn still portraits into narratives. Names of Tulchi Ram and prince (Kanwar) Aniruddha Singh are inscribed behind the painting. But in the front, the name of Bharat Singh, the youngest son of Rao Chattarsal, is inscribed. Some scholars feel this painting represents Bharat Singh, while a majority are of the opinion that it represents young Anirrudha Singh before he ascended to the throne. This painting is in the collection of National Museum, New Delhi.