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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation - An Appraisal

Which of the following policy decision has adversely affected Indian farmers in the last two decades?
low minimum support price
reduction in import duties on agricultural products
lifting of quantitative restrictions on the imports of agricultural products
all of the above
Correct Answer:
all of the above
Agricultural sector in the post 1991 reform period has been experiencing a number of policy changes such as reduction in import duties on agricultural products, low minimum support price and lifting of quantitative restrictions on the imports of agricultural products. These have adversely affected Indian farmers as they now have to face increased international competition. Moreover, because of export-oriented policy strategies in agriculture, there has been a shift from production for the domestic market towards production for the export market focusing on cash crops in lieu of production of food grains. This puts pressure on prices of food grains.