Practicing Success

Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviour of other people, he/she is said to have :


Interpersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Linguistic intelligence

Social intelligence

Correct Answer:

Interpersonal intelligence


Interpersonal Intelligence (an ability to understand to subtle aspects of others’ behaviours) : This is the ability to understand the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others. Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal intelligence, on the other hand, is the ability to understand oneself. It is characterized by self-awareness, self-reflection, and the ability to regulate one's emotions. People with high intrapersonal intelligence are often introspective and have a deep understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses.

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to understand and use language effectively. It is characterized by a strong vocabulary, a facility with grammar, and the ability to use language for both practical and creative purposes.

Social intelligence is a broader term that encompasses both interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence. It is the ability to understand and interact effectively with people in both social and personal contexts.