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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


Which Viceroy established Archaeological Survey of India?


Lord Minto

Lord Curzon

Lord Harding

Lord Canning

Correct Answer:

Lord Canning


The correct answer is Option 4 - Lord Canning

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was established in 1861 by Lord Canning, the Viceroy of India at the time. The ASI is an attached office of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. It is the premier organization for the archaeological research and protection of the cultural heritage of India. The ASI is responsible for the maintenance of ancient sites and monuments, and for the regulation of all archaeological activities conducted in the country.

Alexander Cunningham was the first Director-General of the ASI. He is known as the "Father of Indian Archaeology". Cunningham was a British Army engineer who developed a keen interest in archaeology in India. He was appointed to the newly created position of an archaeological surveyor to the government of India in 1861.

Lord Curzon, who was the Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905, is also credited with contributing significantly to the development of the ASI. He passed the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act in 1904, which gave the ASI the power to protect and preserve ancient monuments and sites. He also increased the budget of the ASI and appointed more staff.