Practicing Success

Target Exam







Change the following sentence into indirect speech choosing the correct answer from the given options:

The Lecturer said, "Children, let's wait for our turn to meet the Chief Guest".


The Lecturer suggested to the children to wait for their turn to meet the Chief Guest.

The Lecturer asked the children to wait and meet the Chief Guest in returns.

The Lecturer proposed to meet the Chief Guest with children in their turn.

The Lecturer proposed the Chief Guest to meet the children on their turn.

Correct Answer:

The Lecturer suggested to the children to wait for their turn to meet the Chief Guest.


The correct answer is Option (1) → The Lecturer suggested to the children to wait for their turn to meet the Chief Guest.

* **Reporting Verb:** The reporting verb in this case is "said". When "said" is used to introduce indirect speech, we often use verbs like "suggested," "asked," or "told" depending on the context.
* **Tense Change:** Since the reporting verb ("said") is in the past tense, the main verb in the reported speech ("let's wait") usually changes to the base form ("to wait").
* **Subject and Object:**  "The children" remain the object in indirect speech, and "the Chief Guest" is still the person they are waiting to meet.

The other options have issues:

* **Option 2:** " returns" is grammatically incorrect.
* **Option 3:** "The Lecturer proposed to meet the Chief Guest..." focuses on the lecturer's action, not the children waiting as instructed.
* **Option 4:**  "The Lecturer proposed the Chief Guest to meet the children..." changes the subject-object relationship in the original sentence.