Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change


Arrange the following events in order of their occurrence in India.

A. Assam Labour and Emigration Bill helped tea planters

B. Tea Industry started in India

C. Joc Charnock set up a trading post by the River Hoogly

D. All India Muslim Ladies Conference was held and resolved to condemn polygamy

E. Raja Ram Mohan Roy launched an appeal to repeal Sati

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.


B, A, C, D, E

C, A, B, E, D

C, A, B, D, E

C, E, B, A, D

Correct Answer:

C, E, B, A, D


In 1690, an English merchant named Job Charnock arranged to lease three villages (named Kolikata, Gobindapur, and Sutanuti) by the river Hugli in order to set up a trading post.

Raja Rammohun Roy’s attempts to reform society, religion and the status of women can be taken as the starting point of nineteenth century social reform in Bengal. A decade before establishing the Brahmo Samaj in 1828, Roy undertook the campaign against “sati” which was the first women’s issue to receive public attention.

1851: Tea industry began in India.

1901: Assam Labour and Emigration Bill

1914: The All-India Muslim Ladies Conference (Anjuman-E-Khawatn-E-Islam) was founded.