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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Battle of Chausa was fought between which of the following?


Humayun and Ibrahim Lodi

Babur and Ibrahim LOdi

Humayun and Sher Shah Suri

Humayun and Rana Sanga

Correct Answer:

Humayun and Sher Shah Suri


The correct answer is Option 3- Humayun and Sher Shah Suri

The Battle of Chausa was fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri in 1539.

Humayun was the Mughal emperor who had succeeded his father, Babur, in 1530. Sher Shah Suri was a Pashtun warlord who had risen to prominence in Bihar. He had captured Bengal in 1538, and he was now threatening to invade the Mughal Empire.

The Battle of Chausa was a decisive victory for Sher Shah Suri. Humayun was heavily defeated, and he was forced to flee from India. Sher Shah Suri went on to establish the Suri dynasty, which ruled over India for a brief period before being overthrown by the Mughals in 1555.

The other options you mentioned are incorrect:

  • Babur fought Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526.
  • Humayun fought Rana Sanga's grandson, Rana Pratap, at the Battle of Haldighati in 1576.