Target Exam





Psychological Disorders

Read the passage given below and answer the question given below: You must have come across people who are unhappy, troubled, and dissatisfied. Their minds and hearts are filled with sorrow, unrest, and tension and they feel that they are unable to move ahead in their lives; they feel life is a painful, uphill struggle, sometimes not worth living. One of them is Rahul who is 25 years old young man, his parents consulted a psychologist to know about his silly habits. His parents reported that for many years he has habit of checking and rechecking of locking doors, and windows and has shut off the electrical appliances or not. He does this every day before leaving the home and again before going to bed. Due to this habit, he has faced many troubles like being late for work and disturbed sleep as he gets up to check everything (a number of times). The psychologist questioned him about what is the reason behind doing this several times. Rahul said that he could not stop thinking that if he has not locked the door, a robber could enter the home or electrical appliances may short circuit and the home may catch fire. He recognizes that his fears and the ensuing checking are excessive and irrational, but he feels forced to do something to relieve the distress that these ideas cause. During counseling, the psychologist discovered that a big fire had occurred out in Rahul's office sometime before the checking rituals began, destroying all vital paperwork.
Which statement represents Rahul's repetitive thoughts?
As he gets up to check everything (a number of times).
For many years he has habit of checking and rechecking of locking doors, and windows and has shut off the electrical appliances
He could not stop thinking that if he has not locked the door, a robber could enter the home or electrical appliances may short circuit and the home may catch fire
He has faced many troubles like being late for work
Correct Answer:
He could not stop thinking that if he has not locked the door, a robber could enter the home or electrical appliances may short circuit and the home may catch fire
He could not stop thinking that if he has not locked the door, a robber could enter the home or electrical appliances may short circuit and the home may catch fire. People affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder are unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas or are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out normal activities