Where can sporozoites of the malarial parasite be found? |
Red blood cells (RBCs) of humans suffering from malaria The spleen of an infected person Salivary glands of newly molted female Anopheles mosquitoes Saliva of an infected female Anopheles mosquito |
Saliva of an infected female Anopheles mosquito |
The answer is (d) Saliva of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. Sporozoites are the infective form of the malarial parasite. They are found in the salivary glands of female Anopheles mosquitoes. When the mosquito bites a human, the sporozoites are injected into the bloodstream. The sporozoites then travel to the liver, where they mature and reproduce. The mature parasites then infect red blood cells, where they continue to reproduce. This cycle of infection can cause malaria, a serious and potentially fatal disease. The malarial cycle, also known as the malaria life cycle, refers to the series of events that occur during the transmission and development of the malaria parasite within humans and mosquitoes. There are several stages in the malarial cycle, involving different forms of the parasite and different hosts. Here is an overview of the malarial cycle:
The malarial cycle continues as long as there are infected mosquitoes and susceptible humans in an area. Effective control measures aim to interrupt this cycle by targeting either the mosquitoes or the |