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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy:1950-1990


Which one of the following is not based on idea that cultivators will take more interest and they will have more incentive in increasing output.


Land to the tiller

Land reform

MNREGA programme

Abolition of intermediaries

Correct Answer:

Land to the tiller


The correct answer is option (3) : MNREGA programme

The idea that cultivators will take more interest and have more incentive in increasing output is associated with (1) Land to the tiller /Land reform (2). This reform aims to provide cultivators with direct ownership of land, which can enhance their commitment to and interest in increasing agricultural output.

Abolition of intermediaries can also contribute to improving the cultivators' incentive by removing layers between them and the market, but it might not be as directly tied to their interest in increasing output as land reform.

On the other hand, the MNREGA program is focused on providing employment opportunities in rural areas but may not necessarily address the ownership or control of land.

So, the correct option in this context is (2) MNREGA program.