Practicing Success

Target Exam





Issue and Redemption of Debentures


How debentures of a Company can be issued?


For Cash

For Consideration other than Cash

As a Collateral Security

Any of the above

Correct Answer:

Any of the above


The correct answer is option 4- Any of the above.

Debentures of a company can be issued in multiple ways, and the issuance can include any combination of the following:

For Cash: The company can issue debentures in exchange for cash received from investors. This is the most common method of debenture issuance, where investors provide funds to the company, and, in return, they receive debenture certificates.

For Consideration other than Cash: Debentures can also be issued in exchange for assets or services other than cash. For example, a company might issue debentures in exchange for acquiring another company's assets or as part of a merger or acquisition deal. In such cases, the consideration for the debentures may be in the form of assets, shares, or other non-cash items.

As Collateral Security: Debentures can be issued as collateral security when the company needs to secure a loan or credit facility. In this scenario, the debentures are pledged as security for the repayment of the loan. If the company defaults on the loan, the lender can claim the debentures to recover the outstanding debt.