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Target Exam





Medieval India: Kings and Chronicles


Based on the picture shown below, choose the correct option for the question asked.

The creation of a manuscript did not involve which of the following?

A- Ulemas

B- Papermakers

C- Aghas

D- Qazis

E- Painters

F- Scribes


A, B and E

A, C and D

B, C and D

D, E and F

Correct Answer:

A, C and D


The creation of a manuscript involved a number of people performing a variety of tasks.  Papermakers were needed to prepare the folios of the manuscript, scribes or calligraphers to copy the text, gilders to illuminate the pages, painters to illustrate scenes from the text, and bookbinders to gather the individual folios and set them within ornamental covers. The finished manuscript was seen as a precious object, a work of intellectual wealth and beauty. It exemplified the power of its patron, the Mughal emperor, to bring such beauty into being. At the same time some of the people involved in the actual production of the manuscript also got recognition in the form of titles and awards. Of these, calligraphers and painters held a high social standing while others, such as paper makers or bookbinders, have remained anonymous artisans.