Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies



Which of the following is NOT considered as a criticism of PILs in India?
PIL incorporates the Directive Principles whose claims cannot be brought directly to the Courts, into the domain of fundamental rights under Part III of the Constitution, which can be invoked before the Courts as a matter of rights by the citizens of India.
leading to frivolous litigation on unnecessary issues
judicial over-reach
None of the above
Correct Answer:
PIL incorporates the Directive Principles whose claims cannot be brought directly to the Courts, into the domain of fundamental rights under Part III of the Constitution, which can be invoked before the Courts as a matter of rights by the citizens of India.
However, with the advent and growth of PILs, they have also been misused for private gains, and led to frivolous litigation on unnecessary issues. They have also been criticised for judicial over-reach and stepping into the shoes of legislature.