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Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


Which of the following is NOT one of the major causes of accelerated rates of species extinction?


Habitat loss and fragmentation


Alien species


Correct Answer:



d) Lightning

Lightning is not a one of the major causes of accelerated rates of species extinctions. While natural disasters like lightning-induced fires can have localized impacts on specific populations or ecosystems.

1.Habitat loss and fragmentation: One of the most significant drivers of species extinction is the destruction and degradation of natural habitats. Human activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, and agricultural expansion, lead to the loss of critical habitats for many plant and animal species. Fragmentation occurs when large habitats are divided into smaller, isolated patches, making it difficult for species to find suitable resources, mates, or escape predators. This can further exacerbate the risk of extinction.

2.Over-exploitation: Over-hunting, over-fishing, and excessive harvesting of resources can lead to the depletion of species populations, making them more vulnerable to extinction. When species are hunted or exploited at unsustainable rates, their populations may decline to the point where they cannot recover, leading to their disappearance.

3.Alien species (invasive species): Alien or invasive species are non-native species introduced into new environments, either intentionally or accidentally. These species can outcompete or prey upon native species, disrupt natural ecological processes, and often lack natural predators or controls, causing harm to local biodiversity and leading to the decline or extinction of native species.

It's essential to note that while natural disasters like lightning-induced fires can have localized impacts on specific populations or ecosystems, they are not considered major causes of accelerated rates of species extinctions on a global scale. The primary drivers of species extinction are human-induced factors that negatively impact natural ecosystems and biodiversity