Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Ability


Alphabet test


Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.



t, t, q, p, n, l, d

t, p, d, q, l, n, t

 t, d, p, q, n, t, I

d, l, n, p, q, t, t 

Correct Answer:

 t, d, p, q, n, t, I


We put all the option in blank area and check who create particular pattern

Option (1) t, t, q, p, n, I, d


After filling the blanks with the letters/numbers in the option given above, we get 

d q t p l n  t q t q l n d p t p l n d q l p d n

No particular pattern is followed here

Option (2) t, p, d, q, l, n, t


After filling the blanks with the letters/numbers in the option given above, we get;

d q t p I n p q t d I n d q t p l l  d q n p t n

No particular pattern is followed here also

Option (3) t, d, p, q, n, t, I


After filling the blanks with the letters/numbers in the option given above, we get:

d q t p I n d q t p l n d q t p l  n d a t p l n

The pattern is repeating

Thus,  t, d, p, q, n, t, I is correct