Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Arun was an intelligent smart and friendly boy who was very popular amongst his peers. He often did not carry his lunch box to school but would eat from his classmates tiffins, on the sly, under the pretext of checking their bags for bringing mobile phones. He would often regret his behaviour at home but was unable to resist his temptation for interesting food and a little prank. On one such day Arun founds Rs. 500/- in a friend's bag. Although he was tempted to take the money to buy food from the canteen, he did not take it, as he understood very well that it would be going too far. Stealing was something his conscience would never allow.

Which structure of personality according to Freud is at play when Arun is eating his friends food on the sly and regretting his behaviour at home.?




Super Ego

Id and Ego

Correct Answer:

Id and Ego


In the context of Freud's structural model of personality, both the Id and the Ego are likely at play in Arun's behavior of eating his friends' food on the sly.

  1. Id:

    • The Id is the impulsive and instinctual part of the psyche that seeks immediate gratification of desires and pleasure without considering the consequences.
    • Arun's impulsive act of eating from his classmates' tiffins without carrying his lunch box reflects the influence of the Id. He acts on his immediate desire for interesting food without considering the social norms or potential regret.
  2. Ego:

    • The Ego is the rational part of the psyche that seeks to balance the desires of the Id with the constraints of reality. It considers social norms and consequences.
    • Arun's regret at home suggests that there is a conflict between his impulsive actions (Id) and his awareness of social norms and consequences (Ego). The Ego may generate feelings of regret and conflict within him.

So, in summary, while the Id is driving Arun's impulsive behavior of eating his friends' food, the Ego is likely generating conflict and regret afterward, as it tries to reconcile his actions with societal expectations.