Practicing Success

Target Exam





Kinds of Sentence


Choose the correct option to change the following sentence from Assertive to Exclamatory:

It was indeed a very fine kick.


What a fine kick it was indeed!

How a fine kick it was indeed!

It was very fine kick!

Oh, what a kick indeed it was!

Correct Answer:

What a fine kick it was indeed!


The correct option to change the given sentence from Assertive to Exclamatory is: What a fine kick it was indeed!


  • The original sentence is assertive, stating a fact about the kick being very fine.
  • To change it to an exclamatory sentence, we introduce an exclamation expressing strong emotion or surprise.
  • The chosen option adds "What a" to indicate an exclamation and places it at the beginning of the sentence to convey the sense of wonder or admiration.
  • "it was indeed" maintains the emphasis on the fact, and the exclamation mark at the end reinforces the exclamatory tone.

Therefore, the transformation is achieved by adding "What a" and rearranging the structure to create an exclamatory sentence.