Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection


Which statement is not correct with respect to filing of complaints before the appropriate consumer forum ?


Any consumer can file a complaint on his or her own

The seller can file a complaint on behalf of aggrieved consumer

The legal representative of the deceased consumer can file complaint

Any registered consumer association can file complaint

Correct Answer:

The seller can file a complaint on behalf of aggrieved consumer


The correct answer is option (2) : The seller can file a complaint on behalf of aggrieved consumer

(2) The seller can file a complaint on his or her own behalf of the aggrieved consumer.

Under the consumer protection laws, it is the consumer who has the right to file a complaint before the appropriate consumer forum, and the seller or the opposite party cannot file a complaint on behalf of the aggrieved consumer. The other options, such as any consumer filing a complaint, a legal representative filing a complaint on behalf of a deceased consumer, or a registered consumer association filing a complaint, are all valid rights recognized under the consumer protection laws.