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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


A coup took place in 1991 that was encouraged by Communist Party hardliners. The people had tasted freedom by then and did not want the old-style rule of the Communist Party. Boris Yeltsin emerged as a national hero in opposing this coup. The Russian Republic, where Yeltsin won a popular election, began to shake off centralised control. Power began to shift from the Soviet centre to the republics, especially in the more Europeanised part of the Soviet Union, which saw themselves as sovereign states. The Central Asian republics did not ask for independence and wanted to remain with the Soviet Federation. In December 1991, under the leadership of Yeltsin, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, three major republics of the USSR, declared that the Soviet Union was disbanded. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was banned. Capitalism and democracy were adopted as the bases for the post-Soviet republics.

Which model of economy and government was adopted as the bases for the post-Soviet republics after its disintegration?


Socialism and Democracy

Capitalism and Dictatorship

Socialism and Monarchy

Capitalism and Democracy

Correct Answer:

Capitalism and Democracy


The correct answer is Option 4 - Capitalism and Democracy

As per the passage:

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was banned. Capitalism and democracy were adopted as the bases for the post-Soviet republics.