Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Election And Representation


Name the type of government based on the given description:

"It is a type of government where the citizens directly participate in the day-to-day decision-making and in the running of the government. The ancient city-states in Greece were considered examples of this form of government".


Indirect democracy

Direct democracy



Correct Answer:

Direct democracy


The correct answer is Option 2 - Direct democracy

Direct democracy: It is a type of government where the citizens directly participate in the day-to-day decision- making and in the running of the government. The ancient city-states in Greece were considered examples of tis form of government.

A direct democracy is one where the citizens directly participate in the day-to-day decision- making and in the running of the government. The ancient city-states in Greece were considered examples of direct democracy. Many would consider local governments, especially gram sabhas, to be the closest examples of direct democracy. But this kind of direct democracy cannot be practiced when a decision has to be taken by lakhs and crores of people. That is why rule by the people usually means rule by people’s representatives. In such an arrangement citizens choose their representatives who, in turn, are actively involved in governing and administering the country. The method followed to choose these representatives is referred to as an election. Thus, the citizens have a limited role in taking major decisions and in running the administration. They are not very actively involved in making of the policies. Citizens are involved only indirectly, through their elected representatives. In this arrangement, where all major decisions are taken by elected representatives, the method by which people elect their representatives becomes very important.