Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Sweating or perspiration is nature’s way of:


lowering the internal temperature of the body

releasing excess water from the body

warding off harmful insects through the bad odour of the sweat

releasing excess salt from the body

Correct Answer:

lowering the internal temperature of the body


The correct answer is Option (1) -lowering the internal temperature of the body

Sweating or perspiration is nature's way of:Lowering the internal temperature of the body

Sweating is a physiological process by which the body regulates its temperature. When the body becomes overheated, either due to environmental factors such as high temperatures or physical activity, the sweat glands in the skin produce sweat. As the sweat evaporates from the skin surface, it absorbs heat from the body, cooling the skin and lowering the internal temperature. This helps to prevent overheating and maintain the body's temperature within a normal range, thereby preventing heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke. Sweat also contains small amounts of salts and metabolic waste products, but its primary function is thermoregulation by dissipating excess heat.