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Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct in the context of Transfer of Property Act ?
If the intention is to reap fruits from the trees, then it is regarded as an movable property.
If the intention is to cut down the tree and use it as timber, it would be regarded as immovable property.
If the intention is to reap fruits from the trees, then it is regarded as an immovable property.
Trees are regarded as movable property only in all cases.
Correct Answer:
If the intention is to reap fruits from the trees, then it is regarded as an immovable property.
In Shanta Bai v. State of Bombay (1958 SC 532), the distinction between movable and immovable property was observed. If the intention is to reap fruits from the trees, then it is regarded as an immovable property. But if the intention is to cut down the tree and use it as timber, it would be regarded as movable property.