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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Globalisation


Globalisation is a multi-dimensional concept. It has political, economic, and cultural manifestations, and these must be adequately distinguished. It is wrong to assume that globalisation has purely economic dimensions, just as it would also be mistaken to assume that it is a purely cultural phenomenon. The impact of globalisation is vastly uneven — it affects some societies more than others and some parts of some societies more than others.

Which of the following is an example of negative influence of Globalization?


Some farmers made huge profits from the new seeds that they bought. They had bought very expensive seeds supplied by a multinational company (MNC).

Some farmers committed suicide because their crops failed. They had bought very expensive seeds supplied by a multinational company (MNC).

Some farmers have started using electronic gadgets for sprinkling pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides produced and supplied by MNCs.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Some farmers committed suicide because their crops failed. They had bought very expensive seeds supplied by a multinational company (MNC).


Some farmers committed suicide because their crops failed. They had bought very expensive seeds supplied by a multinational company (MNC).
The example shows us that globalization need not always be positive; it can have negative consequences for people. Indeed, there are many who believe that globalization has more negative consequences than positive ones. Globalization need not be only about economic issues, nor is the direction of influence always from the rich to the poor countries.