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Target Exam



Legal Studies


International Context

It is clearly stated in the Constitution of India that the State shall work to ‘foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another’. According to Article 253 of the Indian Constitution, the Parliament and the Union of India have the authority to carry out treaties and may even meddle with state government authority in order to give effect to provisions of an international treaty. It was noted in a landmark judgement that the court must interpret the constitution's clauses in light of the United Nations Charter. The view of how the Indian Constitution interacts with the international agreements to which India is a party has evolved through time.
Which of the following Articles of the the Constitution of India states that the State shall endeavor to “foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another”?
Article 50
Article 51
Article 52
Article 253
Correct Answer:
Article 51
Article 51 of the Indian Constitution specifically states that the State shall endeavor to 'foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another'.